Welcome to 270 Youth Group
270 is Epic Church's youth group for middle & high schoolers. Our mission is to lead teens to be disciples of Christ. It's not just about youth group—we’re about making students, leaders, and parents passionate about loving God, loving people, and making an impact! It's about living a horizontal every day life, to making an upside down 270° turn to vertical living after Christ.
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Every time we meet our students will get to engage in activities that both fun and build relationships that will last forever. You don’t have to be a star athlete to enjoy the games we play together!

In every message, students will hear biblical truth about who God is, who they are, what being a disciple is really like, and how Christ can use them in the lives of people they know.

Each night our teens will engage in small groups designed for them to work out their faith with each other and be challenged to let God transform the way they follow Jesus in the real world.